
About: ABC Dance Arts Academy is a mobile dance, gymnastics, and music academy. The curriculum incorporates academics, teaches fundamentals, technique, sensory awareness, improves motor skills and coordination and brings the joy of music, movement, creativity, imagination and fun!

Classes and Cost:

Annual Registration Fee: $45.00

Junior dancers 5-12 years old 45 min./week                          $75.00/ month

Little Ballerinas       2-5 years old 30 min./week                     $55/ month

Little Gymnasts  2-5 years old  30 min./week                        $55/month

Multiclass discount: Take Both Little Ballerinas and Little Gymnasts classes for $100/ month

Payment Type: Cash, Check, Money Order

Contact Information: info@ABCDanceArts.com

VISIT: http://www.abcdancearts.com/

713- 503- 5749