Toddler  (20 Months – 2 ½ years old)

This program is to prepare our children for the larger works of the transition classroom with a focus on self-care including grace and courtesy, internal self discipline and the ability to make choices in the classroom. In this classroom, we teach our children listening and understanding skills such as introducing new words, sounds, signs and body language and speak in complete sentences.

We expose our children to Montessori math materials that help the children develop an awareness of numbers, counting and basic math operations. Additionally, we use Montessori language cards, learn beginning letter sounds and sounds of different objects to develop the preliminary skills for writing and reading. The toddlers use a wide variety of drawing and writing tools and continue to teach them how to use and care for them. In this classroom, children who show interest in using the toilet will begin potty training. 4 signs that we look for readiness in potty training are: physiological development, motor skills, cognitive and verbal development and emotional awareness.


6:30- 7:45 Breakfast Time

7:45-8:30 Free Work, Gym, Potty Time

8:30- 9:00 Gym (playtime)

9:00- 9:30 Montessori Line Time

9:30-9:45 Snack/ Wash Hands

9:45- 10:15 Montessori Work/ Potty Time

10:15- 10:45 Outdoor Exploration Time

10:45- 11:00 Wash hands and Prepare for Lunch

11:00- 11:30 Lunch Time

11:30- 2:00 Nap Time

2:00- 2:30 Story Time

2:30- 3:00 Wash Hands/ Potty Time

3:00- 3:30 Snack Time

3:30- 4:00 Montessori Line Time

4:00- 4:30 Outdoor Exploration Time

4:30- 5:00 Potty Time/ Arts and Crafts/ Music with Movement

5:15 Prepare to Go Home